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Pesticides and Insecticides

Our wide range of pesticides and insecticides allow farmers to tackle all kinds of pests which damage the crops.


Tons of Bulk Stock Availability on an average

We have some of the largest stock available across Godowns and Depots across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana


Priority Delivery and Quick Turnaround Time

Our delivery team acts very fast as soon as an order is placed. This turn around time will help us meet any urgent requirements to be supplied to dealers

Land Prince

Land Prince shows quick knockdown of a wide range of foliar feeding pests such as aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers and plant bugs.

Active Ingredient    

Acetamiprid 20% SP
Available in 250grams, 500grams and 1 KG


A broad spectrum systemic insecticide that acts on nerves and causes quick stomach and contact activity to kill insect pests.

Land Prince

Pest Control for

Aphids, Jassids, Whiteflies, Thrips
Browsn Planthoppers


Cotton, Cabbage, Okra, Chillies, Rice, Paddy, Vegetables, Fruits, Orchards and Orngamental Crops

Land Killer

Land VEP Killer is a wide spectrum insecticide for pests, mites, fruit borers, thrips, leaf miners and stem borers.

Active Ingredient    

Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG
Available in 100 and 500 grams


It targets and attacks nerve and muscle action of insects. Active intgredient invades nerve cells and paralyzes neurotransmission. Typically the insect stops eating and dies within 2-4 days.

Land Killer

Pest Control for

Bollworms, Pod Borer, Diamond Black Moth, Fruit and Shoot Borer, Thrips and Mites


Chillies, Redgram, Cotton, Brinjal, Chikpea,Okra, Cabbage, Grapes, Fruits and Vegetables Crops

Land Trust

Land Trust is a systemic insecticide  which effects insect feeding and they die due to starvation. This is widely used in almost 140 crops.

Active Ingredient    

Imidacloprid 17.8% SL
Available in 250ml, 500ml and 1 litre


It effects insects nervers and the insect will stop feeding. Once the insect stops feeding, they die due to starvation. This is also widely used in integrated pest management practices for crops.

Land Trust

Pest Control for

Thrips, Mealy Bugs, Leaf Miners, Termites, Brown Plant Hoppers, White Backed Plant Hoppers, Jassids, Whitefly, Sorghum Shoot Fly, Saw Fly, and Leaf Hoppers


Paddy, Sugarcane, Mustard, Cotton, Cabbage, Okra, Cucumber, Millets, Mangoes,  Rice, Paddy, Vegetables and Fruits 

Land Trust Super

Land Trust Super is a systemic insecticide  which effects insect feeding and they die due to starvation. This is widely used in almost 140 crops.

Active Ingredient    

Imidacloprid 30.5% SC
Available in 250ml, 500ml and 1 litre


It effects insects nervers and the insect will stop feeding. Once the insect stops feeding, they die due to starvation. This is also widely used in integrated pest management practices for crops.

Land Trust Super

Pest Control for

Thrips, Mealy Bugs, Leaf Miners, Termites, Brown Plant Hoppers, White Backed Plant Hoppers, Jassids, Whitefly, Sorghum Shoot Fly, Saw Fly, and Leaf Hoppers


Paddy, Sugarcane, Mustard, Cotton, Cabbage, Okra, Cucumber, Millets, Mangoes,  Rice, Paddy, Vegetables and Fruits 

Land Top

Land Top is a contact and systemic broad spectrum insecticide. It comes in granulated form and kills insects by contact by ingestion.

Active Ingredient    

Cartaphydrochloride 50% SP
Available in 250grams, 500grams and 1 KG


It effects insects nerves to stop insects from feeding. This controls insects at almost all stages of plant growth and efficacy is prolonged

Land Top

Pest Control for

Stemborer, Leaf Folder, Whorl Maggot


Paddy, Sunflower, Ground Nut, Potatoes, Cabbage, Cotton, Tea, Sugarcane, Millets, Barley, Maize, Sugar Beets, Wheat, Soyabean, and other Vegetable Crops 

Land Star

Land Trust is a broad spectrum insecticide  which jams nerve cells ability to send normal signals. nsects are killed by contact and stomach action. 

Active Ingredient    

Bifenthrin 10% EC
Available in 250ml, 500ml and 1 litre


It effects insects nerve cells. By jamming nerve cells insects loose ability to send normal signals to brain. This happens by contact and insect typically dies with stomach action

Land Star

Pest Control for

Bollword, Whitefly, Stem borer, Leaf Folder, and Green leaf Hoppers


Paddy, Cotton, Cabbage, Okra, Cucumber, Millets, Mangoes,  Rice, Paddy, Vegetables and Fruits 

Land Mite

Land Mite is one of the safest pesticide for mammels. It is a broad spectrum insecticide which disrupts the insects central nervous system by excitation

Active Ingredient    

Fipronil 5% SC
Available in 250ml, 500ml and 1 litre


It creates hyper excitation for insects by effecting central nervous system. 

Land Mite

Pest Control for

Thrips, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Assids, Jassids, Diamond Back Moth, Fruit Borer, Shoot Borer, Root Borer, Whitefly, and Boll Worms


Paddy, Cotton, Chillies

Land Lord

Land Lord is a systemic insecticide. This kills insects on contact and also help generate methamidophos which is another powerful insecticide.

Active Ingredient    

Acephate 75% SP
Available in  500 gms and 1 KG


It acts on nerves and has powerful systemic contact action. On touch or contact the insect gets killsed and they turn into a chemical called methamidophos. Plants also absorb acephate into roots, leaves and move into other parts of plants.

Land Lord

Pest Control for

Jassids, Bollworms, Aphids, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder and Green Leaf Hopper


Paddy, Chillies, Coton, Sunflower

Land Sumo

Land Sumo is a broad spectrum insecticide and jams nerves ability to send normal signals. This creates quick knockdown effecct.

Active Ingredient    

Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% E.C
Available in 250ml, 500ml and 1 litre


The quick knockdown effect is one of the most important property. Insect dies on contact or by consumption mainly due to stomach action. This has long residual activity which lasts long for insect control once spraying is completed

Land Sumo

Pest Control for

Thrips, Flee Beetles, Bollworms, Fruit Borer, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder, Shoot Borer, Fruit Borer and Pod Borer


Paddy, Cotton, Tomatoes, Brinjal, Chillies, Okra, Grapes, Cabbage and other Vegetables


24-11-186/A, Patnam Bazaar 
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh


Mobile: +91-9948294205             Land Phone: 0863-2223280