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Fungicides and Plant Disease Control Products

Our wide range of fungicides and disease control products allow farmers to tackle all kinds of fungal diseases which helps increase the crop yeilds.


Tons of Bulk Stock Availability on an average

We have some of the largest stock available across Godowns and Depots across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana


Priority Delivery and Quick Turnaround Time

Our delivery team acts very fast as soon as an order is placed. This turn around time will help us meet any urgent requirements to be supplied to dealers

Land Safe

Land Safe is broad spectrum systemic protective and curative fungicide. This is being used for more than 50 years and an invaluable tool for controlling fungal pests.

Active Ingredient    

Carbendazim 12% + Moncozeb 63% WP
Available in 250grams, 500grams and 1 KG


It inhibits development of germ tubes, formation of appressoria and the growth of mycelia by inhibiting cell division. Mancozeb acts by its contact action. This disturbs fungal enzyme functioning.

Land Safe

Control for

Fungal Pests and Diseases


All Crops

Land Naga

Land Naga is a systemic triazole fungicide, with protective and curative action. This controls the growth and reproduction of plan fungal pathogens.

Active Ingredient    

Hexaconazole 5% EC
Available in 500 ml, 1 Ltr and 5 Ltr


It targets and attacks nerve and muscle action of insects. Active intgredient invades nerve cells and paralyzes neurotransmission. Typically the insect stops eating and dies within 2-4 days.

Land Naga

Pest Control for

Scab, Sheath Blight, Tikka leaf spot, Powdery Mildews, Rusts, Leaf Spots


Paddy, Ground Nut, Rice, Mangoes, Grapes, Cereals, Oil Seeds, Horticultural and Plantation Crops

Land Bheema

Land Bheema is a fungicide which inhibits malini formation in fungi. This gets rapidly absorbed by plants and translocated all over plants.

Active Ingredient    

Tricyclazole 75% WP
Available in 100gms and 250gms


Inhibits melanin formation in fungi. Also inhibits sprulationa and secondary infection additional unknown modes of action that is different is suspected.

Land Bheema

Control for

Blast Fungi




24-11-186/A, Patnam Bazaar 
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh


Mobile: +91-9948294205             Land Phone: 0863-2223280